
Digital Whisper Challenge - 122 Cat

A spooky cat that is king of the castle...


Collage Obsession Weekly Challenge - Alter Egos

My grandson as Captain America one of his Alter Egos... He is going to be Captain America for Halloween.

Digital Whispers - Digital Challenge 121 Portraiture

Credit goes to Lisajen @ Deviant Art for the picture of the women here...



Spooky and a little kooky self portrait...

A piece I did for Creative Souls Spooky Self Portrait...


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder...

This is a piece that I did for Creative Souls  ' Through a Glass Darkly '  October Challenge...


First Collage Oct 2010 - Just getting started...

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Having fun making halloween collage's with my grandson as part of the celebration ...


I am feeling so creative...

Blowing Bubbles...

O.K. this is a big deal, I finally did a piece in my Photoshop Elements using layers! I have been piecing my work together in Microsoft office, saving it and then putting it into Photoshop to add a filter or to add contrast and that type of thing. I reworked my blowing bubbles piece and made some changes then I used PhotoFrame Pro to finish the piece...